The benefits of joining Keep It Local Newberg are many.
On our website: You get your own business profile page which includes your logo, business description, links to your website and social media sites and photos. Your business will also be featured on the homepage of our website periodically. You also have the opportunity to write a Guest Blog Post that will be published on the homepage of our website and advertised on our social media outlets.
On social media: One of the most valuable benefits is when we share your business profile page monthly on our Facebook page. As of Jan 2025, our Facebook page has 1,200 followers!
Keep It Local Newberg covers Newberg and Dundee.
Having your business featured on our homepage is one of the benefits of joining Keep It Local Newberg. We rotate our members being featured.
Yes, we list and promote all independent, locally owned business in our area. Example businesses: Cottage bakery from home, etsy shop, health / wellness coach, etc.
Joining Keep It Local Newberg is free for the first 2 months, then it’s just $8 per month after that. You can cancel your membership at any time, so you really have nothing to loose.
Our mission, at Keep It Local Newberg, is to help promote independent, local businesses. So at this time we are only listing independent businesses, those that don’t have the backing of a larger corporation.
Of course! We list community, fundraiser and business events. If it’s happening in our area, it’s listed on our calendar!!!
Just click the “submit an event” link at the top of any page on our website. Once the form has been submitted, the event will be listed within 48 hours
Adding your business is easy! Just click the “add your business” link at the top of any page on our website. Once the form has been submitted, your business profile page will be up and running on our site within 48 hours.